“Micro-EMS-profile” – safe guidance

For those looking at the figures to help select the right company: my companion for the micro-EMS profile


Business valuation figures are essential. But they alone are often not enough. “Soft skills” also provide important insights into what an EMS company can achieve. When questioned in detail, a certain contact turns out to be a stroke of luck, or provides corroborating confirmation of the figures.

On the basisof our very personal experience and advising capacity in more than 150 EMS companies, we use the “hidden factors” for a micro-EMS profile, for example, to answer questions such as:

  • Development projects: how does the company adapt to different batch sizes? Is there potential for development in man and machines?
  • Is the specialist staff structure appropriate?
  • Are there regular training measures?
  • How committed is the company to your new projects, does the service provider invest time or personnel in advance?
  • Is there a consistent corporate philosophy?

Just provide us with a few keywords that seem important to you. We will get in touch with you quickly and will clarify everything else in a personal conversation. For your individual micro EMS profile.

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