News and information from the electronics industry


Nortec 2024

Nortec 2024

The trade fair for production in Northern Germany. With numerous national and international exhibitors. Modern brand management means: network and rule! Networking at NORTEC in Hamburg. Synergies are created here. Visit us at our stand A1.636. We're looking forward to...

NORTEC 2024 in Hamburg Germany

NORTEC 2024 in Hamburg Germany

The NORTEC trade fair in Hamburg offers a complete overview of all the new products on the market. With numerous national and international exhibitors who move the industry. World premieres and products, solutions and innovations along the entire value chain are on...


Focus on PCB, dove sono gli EMS?

Focus on PCB, dove sono gli EMS?

Or should it be called "Focus on PCBA"? This important event with the title "Focus on PCB" is happening on May 17/18 in Vicenza, Italy. It is a gathering of the Italian Electronics Industry, which need to unite more and need to work together more in order to improve...

NEU: Jahresstatistik EMS-Unternehmen in Europa

NEU: Jahresstatistik EMS-Unternehmen in Europa

Die Jahresstatistik der EMS Unternehmen in Europa ist abgeschlossen. Jeweils zum Beginn des neuen Jahres versenden IPC und in4ma Meldebögen an über 1500 EMS Unternehmen, um einen ersten Überblick über die Entwicklung der europäischen EMS-Industrie im Vorjahr (2022) zu...

Situation in Europa: Warum OEMs auf EMS setzen sollten

Situation in Europa: Warum OEMs auf EMS setzen sollten

Recherchen zum Status Quo und der Zukunft Das Potenzial der europäischen EMS-Industrie ist enorm, denn die meisten Produkte, die heute von den OEM-Firmen selbst hergestellt werden, könnten preiswerter von Dienstleistern produziert werden. Grund genug, einen Blick auf...

Marketplace for surplus components as a countermeasure

Marketplace for surplus components as a countermeasure

EMS industry inventories are exploding With component prices falling, high inventories in the EMS industry are becoming a massive problem. In view of a possible price drop, the situation could even worsen. But there is a solution. According to the market research...


“Scars that heal bring experience to light”

“Scars that heal bring experience to light”

Matthias Holsten, co-founder of "EMS SCOUT", the largest search portal for EMS services in Europe, summarizes after "electronica 2022" in Munich how product developers and EMS service providers can learn from crises and improve their cooperation in the future. It's...

Crisis!? This is the situation of the European EMS industry

Crisis!? This is the situation of the European EMS industry

The ongoing discussion about the semiconductor supply crisis has caused a lot of excitement in the EMS industry. But what do the numbers say? in4ma asked and came to astonishing results. The specter of the semiconductor crisis is being painted on many walls -...

There is no Chip crisis

There is no Chip crisis

There is no chip crisis, and we at in4ma are serious about this, even many electronics manufacturers might disagree. We just need to look at the IC Unit shipment growth, published by IC insights. There was a downturn of 6% from 2018 to 2019, long before anyone was...

20. EMS Day, September 7./8., 2022 in Würzburg/Germany

20. EMS Day, September 7./8., 2022 in Würzburg/Germany

For the past five years, the EMS industry has been stumbling from one crisis to the next, sometimes leading to life-threatening situations for some companies. Very few companies know the facts about the problems and accordingly do not have all the information to...

1 year EMS Scout

1 year EMS Scout

THE digital buyer's guide for OEM companies in electronics EMS Scout has been in existence for more than a year now and is enjoying increasing attention. In the beginning the daily number of visitors was 10 during the week, but meanwhile the number has increased to...

Partnership is not a one-way street

Partnership is not a one-way street

A partnership is not when only the partner creates, but requires real cooperation and cooperation. After all, the EMS producers in Europe are ultimately only the extended workbench or the production department of the customer. This connection is strong and no customer...

Finally life again, the SMTconnect

Finally life again, the SMTconnect

From May 10th to May 12th, 2022 we will meet in Nuremberg. Many topics have moved us in the last three years, we were only able to exchange ideas with colleagues from the electronics industry, both OEM and EMS, to a limited extent. The time has finally come for all of...

European EMS Market Exceeded 44 billion Euros in 2021

European EMS Market Exceeded 44 billion Euros in 2021

The European EMS industry grew 9% from 2020 to 2021 to exceed 44 billion Euros according to the annual survey results collected and analyzed by in4ma, the market research arm of Weiss Engineering.  The 2021 result represents an all-time high for the industry...


Who are the biggest EMS/ODM companies in Europe?

Who are the biggest EMS/ODM companies in Europe?

Dieter G. Weiss, in4ma In4ma has been analysing the European EMS/ODM market for many years and has a database of approx. 2200 legally independent companies belonging to 1865 companies. For every company you can find the sales and the number of employees in this...

Who are the EMS companies with the highest sales in Germany?

Who are the EMS companies with the highest sales in Germany?

Dieter G. Weiss, in4ma In4ma has been analysing the European EMS market for many years and has a database of approx. 2200 legally independent companies belonging to 1865 companies. For every company you can find the sales and the number of employees in this database,...

The European EMS market 2021

The European EMS market 2021

After publication of the annual reports of the big EMS/ODM companies in Europe, in4ma can finally announce the annual production value 2020 for the European EMS/ODM industry. The research now covers about 85% of all EMS/ODM companies in Europe whereas in specific...

M & A

M & A

On behalf of a medium-sized EMS company from Saxony-Anhalt, the strong Partners consulting GmbH is looking for a strategic investor to take over the company's assets. In 2018/19 the company generated a turnover of 4,895 or 4,517 million euros: As with almost all...

New dates in 2021

New dates in 2021

in4ma and EMS Scout ( will meet you on September 2, 2021 on the 19th EMS Day in Wuerzburg ( Dieter G. Weiss will give an insight and outlook on the European EMS industry. From September 28-30, 2021, the Electronics & Applications...

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

Dieter G. Weiss, in4ma Marktforschung & AnalysenDie Europäische Elektronikindustrie ist in Panik. Die Versorgungssituation für diverse Bauteile ist katastrophal. Wie schon in der letzten Allokationskrise 2018 haben viele Einkäufer nichts dazu gelernt und bestellen...

Europa EMS Telegramm 2. Ausgabe

Europa EMS Telegramm 2. Ausgabe

Neways Electronics International N.V. Eindhoven/NL hat von der VDL Groep BV („VDL“), einem Großaktionär von Neways, einen unverbindlichen bedingten indikativen Vorschlag zum Erwerb aller ausstehenden Aktien des Kapitals von Neways erhalten. Der indikative...

Europa EMS Telegramm 1. Ausgabe

Europa EMS Telegramm 1. Ausgabe

Becom Electronics GmbH, Hochstraß/Burgenland, A, hat im Februar 2021 einen Standort im südchinesischen Heyuan eröffnet. In das 3000m² große Werk wurden 4 Mio. Euro investiert. Leiter der Becom Electronics (Heyuan) Co. Ltd. ist Christian Werfring.Die Zollner Elektronik...


Der EMS Markt ist in Bewegung

Der EMS Markt ist in Bewegung

Der Paradigmenwechsel, bereits 2019 angekündigt und durch die Pandemie beschleunigt, lässt kaum einen Stein auf dem Anderen. Nun hat die Turck duotec GmbH, Halver die Übernahme der ml&s GmbH in Greifswald bekannt gegeben. Damit schafft die duotec den Sprung von...



Der jährlich von Estnischen Elektronik Verband EEIA organisierte EMS Workshop findet dieses Jahr am 7. Dezember 2020 aufgrund der Corona Pandemie nur digital im Netz statt. Erstmals wird dieser Workshop vom IPC unterstützt und zum IPC Day 2020 ausgerufen. Als Key Note...

Was passiert hier gerade?

Was passiert hier gerade?

Die EMS Branche ist nervös. Viele EMS Unternehmen haben kräftige Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen müssen, teils über 20%. Lediglich vereinzelte EMS Unternehmen konnten ein leichtes Umsatzwachstum verbuchen. In Summe wird 2020 einstellig negativ werden, so die...

Der M&A Markt in der EMS Industrie

Der M&A Markt in der EMS Industrie

Schaut man sich nicht gerade singulär nur die Marktzahlen der EMS Industrie für 2020 an, so sieht man, dass die Europäische EMS Branche in den sieben Jahren davor in Summe über 31% gewachsen ist bzw. durchschnittlich 5,2% pro Jahr. Die Elektroindustrie in Deutschland...

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